
Showing posts from April, 2012

A personal update.

Where does the time go? I fell so far behind on so many things while I was sick I really have felt bogged down trying to get through it all. And of course it's all financially related (high stress for me!) like my darn extended health claims which they are giving me a hard time about. ugh. Anyways that's my compliant for the day. Hopefully I can get that stuff sorted relatively quickly. It also looks like we will be moving if we can get the details sorted. My darling husband is seriously considering going back to school. I'm so proud of him as it's not an easy decision to make when you are in your thirties with a child and a 'dependent' wife. I know it will be best for all of us in the long run but it will require some sacrifices which may include moving in with my mother and father in law. AS I say I think it will be worth it but it will be a change and the sacrifice to our privacy (and theirs) will surely take so getting used to. We just have to finish sorting

One day at a time

Thinking aloud. I've read two articles recently talking about setting realistic expectations for moms. The basic idea is that blogs and pinterest and other online sources set up unrealistic ideals for moms and especially stay at home moms. I found this kind of saddening to hear. Don't get me wrong I idealize others more than I should but I'm usually about to ground myself and I know that no one is perfect no matter how they portray themselves to others. My experience has actually been that those who put the most effort into looking like they have their shit together tend to be the most messed up - not always but sometimes. I have gain so much insight, support and inspiration from Facebook, pinterest and blogs that I'm saddens to realize that I've been lucky and selective about what I read. I've finally been using some of the ideas I've seen on pinterest and other blogs and I've found a lot of freedom in having so many great activity ideas to choose from

Play is fun!

Ya ya I know obviously play is fun but when you've been unable to really play with your kid for a month and a half the value of play increases dramatically. I took so much pleasure in watch Aidan come into the living room and as soon as he saw the sand box he ran over and began playing immediately! Of course he had to get as many trucks as he could working in the box because everything is about trucks to my 2 year old lol. He built a road in the sand using done tile samples I snagged yesterday (I think I will put more of them on my shopping list for next time). We had a canceled play date which required a quick activity so we agreed on doing our first collage project together!! I think I had more fun than Aidan! It was amazing to see how much he has developed since our last art project. It's great to get a chance to talk about and interact with lines, shapes, colours and textures! Again so easy and so fun. All you need to do is save scraps of fabric, paper, bottle caps, film,

Getting back into the swing

Now that I'm starting to feel better I'm getting back into living and loving the way I enjoy best. Parenting and bring creative. My dear friend who blogs at and I went out on an awesome adventure (kid free I might add)! Such a treat. She introduced me to Urban Source here in Vancouver. They carry recycled materials that are perfect for kid related projects and explorations. My haul cost a mere $30 and that included some bigger items. I'm super happy with my finds and can't wait to unveil more of them to Aidan. Here is what we created this afternoon. I would like to include a little note explaining that this kind of activity is amazing when I'm feeling less than 100%. I don't need to be overly involved and set up and clean up are relatively easy and Aidan does much of it himself now. The floor isn't always the most comfortable play space for me so one adaptation is to find a table (we love the coffee table as it allows me to