Getting back into the swing

Now that I'm starting to feel better I'm getting back into living and loving the way I enjoy best. Parenting and bring creative.

My dear friend who blogs at and I went out on an awesome adventure (kid free I might add)! Such a treat. She introduced me to Urban Source here in Vancouver. They carry recycled materials that are perfect for kid related projects and explorations. My haul cost a mere $30 and that included some bigger items. I'm super happy with my finds and can't wait to unveil more of them to Aidan.

Here is what we created this afternoon. I would like to include a little note explaining that this kind of activity is amazing when I'm feeling less than 100%. I don't need to be overly involved and set up and clean up are relatively easy and Aidan does much of it himself now. The floor isn't always the most comfortable play space for me so one adaptation is to find a table (we love the coffee table as it allows me to stay in the couch). So there you have it a restart to some of the play ideas and adaptations I'd originally intended this blog to be focused on!

"Yay!"- He was really happy and proud of his sand creations- this was only one of 3
I had very little to do with this creation! So great to see Aidan incorperate different techniques from other activities into this one. He stamped his truck into the sand and traced it then began adding new pieces to highlight the truck parts.
Some of the Loot purchased today- I'm thinking collages are in order!

My play invitation- set up during Aidan's nap today
"ball, zoom, truck"


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