Neuros, CCSVI, and me

I haven't written in a few days because I really feel like I should have something new or interesting or at least something different to post about but I really don't. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family members. My friends and my mom have been taking Aidan out which has allowed me time to look after myself. I have been seeing a massage therapist who has helped me get my pain under control a bit more - Such a huge relief! I've also taken a few more naps which seems to help keep me going all day without as much pain also.

It's funny though because I do feel like I'm missing out I mean don't get me wrong I like alone time as much as the next person (dare I say even more than some) ut it does feel strange to be without Aidan as he and I are always together. I miss family days on weekends and taking Aidan to the park. Maybe once it warms a bit I'll be able to go to the park even if this relapse lasts. Currently the cold weather causes muscle spasms and subsequently a lot of pain- ugh.

Tomorrow I have a appointment to see a new neurologist. I'm not sure what I might gain but I sincerely hope it's something. My GP asked me to get another professional opinion of CCSVI. I'm not sure what she might tell me but I'm kind of bracing myself since I have every intention of going for treatment no matter what her opinion on it might be. I have to take Aidan with me also so I'm not sure I'll get much out of it but we will see.

I have almost everything in place for my CCSVI treatment on March 22nd. I'm excited but also trying to keep in mind that I maybe one of the people who is not helped by the procedure. I hope to make a short video clip of myself with symptoms this week so that I can have a point of comparison for later. We will see if I can get to it before I leave on the 21st. What else can I say? I should give a bit of a run down on CCSVI but that will have to wait for a night my head is less foggy (a symptom I REALLY hope takes a hike from CCSVI).

I also see my new chiropractor again this week so maybe he will work some more miracles on me and perhaps I will once again feel better from a more holistic treatment.

lol- managed to say a fair bit for someone with nothing to say!


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